Traversing Light and Particles: A 4D Image Poetry

A Tale of Two Cities Spanning Taiwan and Denmark
Long, long ago
Humans used tear bottles
To preserve tears of longing...

Wandering light-years away, in a magnificently beautiful poetic landscape, Casper from Denmark and Wei Jun-zhan, born in the small town of Keelung, two time-space travelers meet in darkness. They journey between the fairy tales and memories of Taiwan and Denmark, their life experiences blending and transforming in dreams—things they want to remember, yet are about to forget from days gone by.
"Light Year Chronicle: Taipei-Copenhagen" premiered at the 2018 Taipei Arts Festival and was invited to the 2018 Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria, as well as the 2019 Click Festival and Copenhagen Theater Festival in Denmark, gaining international attention. This production is a transnational co-creation between Taiwan's image poet Chou Tung-yen and the Very Theatre company, together with Denmark's Elsinore Culture Yard. Using 4D BOX smart stage floating projection technology, the work underwent four stages of bilateral exchange and creation, combining theater, imagery, physical movement and technology to create a richly fantastical visual experience.

Chronicle of Light Year: Taipei-Copenhagen (2022)
Hologram Performance
National Taichung Theater