In geography and geometry, "antipodes" refers to points on opposite sides of the Earth, connected by a straight line through the planet's core. This project explores the fascinating concept that Taiwan's antipodal point lies remarkably close to Formosa Province in Brazil—a poetic geographical coincidence.
Standing beneath towering trees that stretch skyward, I found myself contemplating what might exist at the opposite end—deep beneath the Earth's surface. What unseen realm exists at the precise point where a line from this exact Taiwanese coordinate (25°05'39.1"N 121°32'43.8"E) passes through the planet's center and emerges on the other side?
This work constructs imaginary pathways to an underground city that mirrors our own, responding to the unique disturbances and growth patterns of urban environments. By visualizing these invisible connections between opposite points on Earth, the project attempts to outline the contours of an unseen city—one that exists in conceptual space where geography meets imagination, where what is above finds its counterpart below, and where the visible world connects with the invisible.
25°05'39.1"N 121°32'43.8"E (2023)
AR, VR Experience
Soochow University